Are you looking to have a Zazzle Store and/or Zazzle WordPress site built?
We can do that for you!
A lot goes into planning, designing and developing a website! You really need both a good idea what you want and a budget in mind.
Providing the information below will help us develop an accurate pricing and timing proposal.
New Client Questionnaire for Zazzle Store and Zazzle Store Builder Sites
Company Name:
1. Zazzle Store
- Set-up
- Customized Banner
- Custom Graphics
- Template Creation
- Product Creation (from your logo / designs)
- Ongoing Management
- Social Media Connections
- Advice & Consultation
2. Zazzle based website (WordPress only)
- Advice & Consultation
- Design
- Very basic pages or magazine style front?
- Customized Header & Graphics
- Custom Graphics (not including logo)
- header product shots custom Zazzle ads widgets favicon
- Logo Design
- SEO keywords
- RSS feed only?
- Will you be blogging regularly or want a static site?
- Site Basis (your store or multiple)
- Approximate number of pages
3. Social Media Connections
- Do you have a Facebook page (business page)?
- Do you have a Twitter account?
- Do you have a Google+ account?
- Any other social media accounts?
3. Support and Maintenance
- Store support
- Website support
- Website & plugin updates
- Consulting & Training
Your Level of Expertise at Zazzle
- Experienced
- New to Zazzle, but experienced at design or print-on-demand
- Totally new
Your Level of Expertise at WordPress
- I probably know more than you
- Moderately handy
- Familiar with blogging, but not WordPress
- New to WordPress, but can pick it up quickly
- Total n00bie to WordPress, make it easy as pie
Your Level of Expertise at Social Media
- Tweeting, Facebooking, Google Hangout fool
- I can handle it
- Gasp! I’ll have to learn
- How much of an idea of what you want do you have?
How much is written?
Do you have images?
Do you have products chosen?
Technical type stuff that can scare people at first
- Do you have a Zazzle store set up?
- Do you have a domain registered? I like GoDaddy for this (affiliate link).
- Do you have a web hosting company? I use HostGator and recommend them (affiliate link). Progress is faster with familiar hosting companies.
- Do you have a Google Analytics account? Do you want one?
- Note: There’s a paid plugin for Zazzle that simplifies and enhances the look of the stores. You will probably want to purchase it ($5).
The looking good stuff
- Colors you like – preferably 3-5 ranging from light to dark
- Styles you like
- Target audience of your store
- Other sites you like